Who I am

I have a uterus. A seamonkey/baby commanded a hostile takeover of that uterus in 2016, and was evicted (in the form of an induction, after going two weeks past my due date) in early 2017. And, after 68 hours of that wonderful induced-flavored labor (tastes like Pitocin), my midwives threw up their hands in despair and had a surgeon vacuum my sweet child out of my vagina. It was swell. There was absolutely no vaginal devastation, I swear it! (<— that is sarcasm)

I’m 33, married to a wonderful man (who just so happens to be my best friend), and I live in a very, very old house on a bunch of foresty land in New England.

I write about what pregnancy and parenthood areĀ really like, at least for me, in very blunt language. Sometimes, I even swear ::gasp::